Were at a great little park where we are meeting all kinds of wonderful friends:
We pulled in and saw a FOTR bus family. Met some great couples who addopted us. Then a Canadian family of 6 including a new born who Lexi loved all the kids to play with. Then just before we left another FOTR pulled in. Krista loved hanging with their girls.
Lets not forget the fun at Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Oh ya, we had a blast! Lexi & I met Mickey and Minnie too. Loads of fun and we rented a car also.
We are near a Aunt of mine so we are enjoying catching up with her also.
While we were there they had a blood drive RV pull in and Haley & I decided to go donate blood. They could not get a good vain for me to give blood but I still tried and was pooked and bruised. Haley was a 1'st time donater and they found her vain first try and she took forever filling the 1 bag. But she was so proud and I was so proud of her for wanting to donate.
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