We are at KC campgrounds and we were only supposed to stay for 1 month. Sh_t happens and then you change your plans.
Our computer hard drive burned out while we were here and we had to get a new one installed. All our pictures of our travels were on the hard drive so what was not put to our my-space's was all lost. I did have a few on my phone I was able to send to my email and all was not lost completely. But it was a sad moment for me to lose all those memories. I did ask my daughter to back them up on disk a few week before but she put it off (a little to late). Now she does it about every other week. Since she is the one ALWAYS on the computer.
We were here at the same time they had their Milan Blue Grass Festival and it was packed to the gills. Great music and the bands were wonderful. Everyone in the park seemed to play an instrument so when the bands were not playing everyone else was at most corners of the park playing theirs. We met allot of great people and made some new friends.

The day everyone pulled out there was a fire left unattended and it was not in a fire-ring. To the eye it was a mound of ash, to a 2 year old kid walking barefoot it was a pile of sand. Lexi walked over it and it was still HOT and her little feet were burned on the bottom of them. One foot was really bad, the burn was under the curl of her toes. On the up side we were 1 hour away from her pediatrician and it was a month before it was all healed and no infections.
Ready to leave yet? Nope!
My Mother was taken to the hospital and was in serious condition. Didn't want to leave state till she was in the clear.
Leaving on September 24'th and the girls and I were doing last minute running before we hit the road and on the way back to the campground the minivan started to have smoke coming out of the dash. Yep, the dang thing caught on fire. No one was hurt but the van, the van is totaled. It looked like we were stuck here till the insurance was all settled.
Now we are only travelling in our RV and no extra vehicle at this time. We know it will be an adjustment but it will only be temporary.
Now it is October the 23'rd and we are leaving Michigan tomorrow and heading south for the winter. It's getting cold up here to but the fall colors are great. I will miss Michigan's full colors if we never make it back up here again.

On the Positive : Krista and Lexi both had a birthday while we were here. Lexi is now potty trained. Were going to save so much money not paying for an extra vehicle. Snow is not going to find me this year if I can help it.

Have Happy & Safe Halloween!
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