On our way to Albuquerque we stopped off at a couple of great places:

First stop was at the Walnut canyon Natl. Monument to see the ruins there and to walk allot of steps. It was a not planned stop but we were happy we took the time to stop there and learn more about history and the people who lived here.

Our second stop was planned and that was the Petrified Forrest. Now that was very beautiful and a great stop to see. It was amazing all the colors in the rock forms that were once trees. I would love to stop here again if we ever get by there again in our future travels.

Now were in Albuquerque and were in a small campground. We went to turquoise Trail and drove over to Madrid which is like a small gypsy art stores and other goodies. This is the town where Maggie's restaurant is in the movie "Wild Hog's". I went back the next day with the girls to do more window shopping and picked up a couple gifts too. Beautiful drive to get there also.
We took one day to do the Rio Grand Zoo and it was a fun relaxing day at the zoo. Always love to watch the baby monkey's with their mothers.